Brace yourselves. Serverless is coming! - You must have heard the term serverless. It is 2019, and everyone in IT is buzzword driven. Many of the companies are actively participating in or seriously considering taking part in the serverless revolution. Is it worth it? What is in it for you? I would like to focus on not-so-obvious advantages that the technology brings to the table - in particular, business-wise.
The most challenging part is to make such a guideline actionable and the least opinionated as you can. My goal is to present and identify critical factors which should restrain you from migrating off AWS just because of the newer, shinier option. However, before we present the guides, I would like to start with the rectification.
If you have been paying attention to the tech industry lately, you would have noticed a surprising trend, large enterprises are moving away from Amazon Web Service (AWS) over to Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Some of the faults can be squarely laid on Amazon’s front-door but others can be attributed to the competitive advantage GCP has gotten over AWS.